30 Day Creativity Habit
Get your creative mojo back one day at a time
Even if it doesn’t always feel like it, you, me and every other human is born creative.
Expressing our creativity is part of our spiritual, emotional and mental wellness.
What will I get?
Should I join the
30 Day Creativity Habit?
🌈 Yes, if there’s something you’ve always wanted to create / make / write / start - but you haven’t yet and YOU THINK ABOUT IT ALL THE TIME!
🌈 Yes, if you know there’s something you’d like to create but you’re not quite sure what that is,
🌈 Yes, if you feel like you’ve lost your creative mojo, and you’re convinced you’ll never get it back
🌈 Yes, if you’re ready to take small, gentle but consistent & daily steps towards living a more creative life
🌈 Yes, if you want to express yourself with more passion, joy and confidence
🌈 Yes, if you wish you had more time in your day for creativity
Here’s how it works.
Every day, for 30 days you will receive:
a writing prompt
a walking prompt
a link to a video message with insights, tips, suggestions and encouragement to support you in completing the full 30 days.