Power to Solve
a quickie in creative problem solving
What is
Power to Solve?
Power to Solve is an online course that teaches a step by step, creative problem solving process used to clarify complex problems, reframe the direction in which we generate ideas, and optimise access to imaginative and innovative solutions.
Who doesn’t want to solve problems with more creativity and innovation?
This is a practical course designed to be immediately applied to challenges in your own business, community, organisation or household.
Power Solve will Help you:
1. tackle complex problems with clarity and structure
2. access imaginative and innovative ideas
3. optimise idea generation and finding solutions
module 1
understanding creativity
Understanding creativity
… our innate (and insanely) creative capabillities
Divergent and convergent thinking
- to break the creative floodgates
- practice exercise4 steps to creative problem solving
module 2
clarifying the problem
What do you want?
What do you know? What do you need to know?
gathering all the intel needed to ask choice questions and understand the problem
What do you really, really want?
identify the ACTUAL problem and articulate a questions in an open-ended
module 3
ideas ideas ideas
Generating ideas
- Tool # 1 Reverse Brainstorming
- Tool # 2 SCAMPER
- Tool # 3 Forced Connections
module 4
develop & implement
developing criteria to assess best ideas
- use 2 convergent thinking tools
Work out how, when, who will make it happen .