Who says it can’t be you?
The snowcapped peaks you see in the distance in the photo above are the Tavan Bogd (5 Sacred Peaks) of the Mongolian Altai Mountains: Khuiten (Mongolia’s tallest), Ulgii, Burged, Nairamdal (Friendship), and Malchin Peaks. Among them the Potanin Glacier (Mongolia’s biggest).
It’s a view we see on day 6 of our 9-day walk through the Tavan Bogd National Park.
It’s a view that never fails to make my eyes tear up.
Let me explain.

4 Faces of Impostor Syndrome and some Antidotes
“I’m qualified, I’m experienced, and I have everything I need for this role AND I am doing a good job …why do I feel like an impostor?”
Can you relate?
The transformative power of peak experiences in the wilderness
Wilderness environments are often the setting for ‘peak experiences’ moments of heightened emotion, spiritual and existential insights. Moments that reveal core truths about ourselves, our values, our place in the world; moments that have the power to transform our lives.